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    Wed/Thurs August 29/30, 2012

    Well after my day of Discovery scuba, I had to go and finish the OW certification, since I was half way done the practical dives!

    Out comes the manual and a lot of cramming to try to get it all in before the next day of diving.

    There was a little bit fo confusion on the first day, as I though we were going diving from the conversations the night prior, but it was to be class work all day. Not a problem, there is always tomorrow to dive!

    I was there with 2 other vacationers who were doing there OW course as well, a full day doing tests, watching videos and discussing the text and we were done for the day.

    The next day was back at Silk Caye, and while everyone else was getting briefed about the park rules, I was already in the water getting caught up on the skills I hadn't completed yet.

    I was with a different instructor today, Pablo from Honduras. Our dives consisted of spending 10 minutes going over skills at depth, and then touring around the area. Both dives were very fun filled with lots of fish, rays and some turtles.

    Silk Caye North Wall
    Bottom Time: 30 minutes
    Max Depth: 40 ft
    Water Temp: 28C
    Vis: Caribbean .... lots!

    Silk Caye White Hole
    Bottom Time: 50 minutes
    Max Depth: 60 ft
    Water Temp: 28C
    Vis: Caribbean .... lots!

    Published December 9, 2013

    Created by BRad

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